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Secrets That Dating Apps Don't Want You To Know

1. Many high profile dating apps use algorithms, stating a variety of reasons. Most of us think that their main purpose is to help us...

Wait! Don't Start Your Dating Profile Yet

Why creating your dating profile could ruin your chance to meet your perfect match. If you are anything like many of our clients, you are...

What if Buddha Gave Dating Advice?

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” - Buddha

What Are The Best Dating Sites For You?

Need help with your profile? We are giving away a complete makeover, photoshoot, profile revamp and personal consultation to one person...

What First Impressions Are You Making?

Putting yourself out there can be a daunting and intimidating endeavor, with thousands of profiles to swipe through and tens of dating...

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